Thursday, August 26, 2004

First day of first grade! Posted by Hello

Ethan's first day of school! He was a little nervous so we couldn't get much of a smile out of him. He picked his clothes out on his own. The night before I asked him what he wanted to wear to his first day of first grade and he said he wanted to wear something cute so his teacher would like him. He tried on 4 different shirts. He looks so handsome!

He was extremely brave. He went right into his class, met his teacher, hung up his backpack, found a chair next to a friend from kindergarten and started coloring. His new teacher--we'll call her Mrs. V--is so, so nice. I know this is going to be a great year for Ethan! I spent the afternoon at the school helping Ethan's old kindergarten teacher with the new kindergarteners and had several opportunities to peak in on Ethan and see how he was doing. He was great! I saw him working at his table, walking around getting supplies, and walking down the hall with his class. I even bumped into his teacher in one of the workrooms and she said he was having a great day and she told me how cute he was cleaning his glasses with the cleaning wipes I packed for him in his backpack.

Ethan ate in the cafeteria for the first time today. He decide he wanted to buy lunch at school. We told him that would be okay, but he had to choose milk to drink and choose one fruit to eat along with whatever main course he wanted (they give them like 3 or 4 main course choices--and I don't even know how many sides options). He came home and said he chose milk, some orange pieces, a hamburger and GREEN BEANS! We said nothing about vegetables, so I think he did a great job! What a sweet boy!