Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Chloe the Hutt Posted by Hello

We took this picture of Chloe a couple of days ago. She was sound asleep with her tounge sticking out. She has found a new purpose for living--killing moles in our back yard. She has killed 4 moles in the last 2 weeks--the last one just last night. One she brought inside the house and then dropped it at the top of the stairs after I chased her all around shouting, "NO, Chloe, NO!"
Dana was gone, so I had to pick it up (using lots of paper towels) and I put it outside on our deck. The next morning Dana forgot there was a dead mole on the deck, let the cats outside and Cozy (our other hunter) brought that dang mole back inside. Yuck, Yucky, Yuck!