Monday, November 01, 2004

Happy Halloween!

Trick or Treat! Cinderella and Luke Skywalker are here to steal your heart. Or maybe just some candy

No tricking, we went for treats this year at our local mall (then mom did a little shopping). It was fun for all!

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Halloween Party at Church

The jedi and the hippie join forces against the evil empire! Posted by Hello

Ethan will be a jedi again this year. This time he says he is Luke Skywalker (last year he was Obi wan Kenobi). We got him a different color light saber and a hooded cloak to make the change. I'll post more halloween pictures later. Dana was persuaded to wear this hippie outfit brought for him by some friends of ours. He protested at first, but I think once he put it on, he felt his true spirit shine through. He looked pretty good, too.

Baby Ethan: "Is that supposed to be a costume?" Posted by Hello

This was taken after the halloween party and I am extremely sweaty and exhausted! I was supposed to be a black cat. I had some cat ears pinned on my head, which by the time the picture was taken, I had removed. I was also supposed to have a tail, but I never did put that on!

Sunday morning comics Posted by Hello

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Ethan and mom Posted by Hello

We had a cookout this weekend with friends in a local state forest. We had a nice fire, the kids cooked their hot dogs over the fire and later made s'mores. There's a picture below of Ethan eating his first s'more. We had baked beans and potato salad and Dana cooked brats for the guys on his new George Foreman outdoor grill. Fun times!

Ethan eating his first s'more Posted by Hello

He didn't really like it. He ate almost half--I ate the rest.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Ethan's a soccer stud! Posted by Hello

Chloe the Hutt Posted by Hello

We took this picture of Chloe a couple of days ago. She was sound asleep with her tounge sticking out. She has found a new purpose for living--killing moles in our back yard. She has killed 4 moles in the last 2 weeks--the last one just last night. One she brought inside the house and then dropped it at the top of the stairs after I chased her all around shouting, "NO, Chloe, NO!"
Dana was gone, so I had to pick it up (using lots of paper towels) and I put it outside on our deck. The next morning Dana forgot there was a dead mole on the deck, let the cats outside and Cozy (our other hunter) brought that dang mole back inside. Yuck, Yucky, Yuck!

Breaking Away! Posted by Hello

For all you movie fans--here it is! Dana is standing in front of the quarry shown in the movie Breaking Away!

Friday, September 17, 2004

Pretty Pensacola Posted by Hello

Just thought I should post a picture of Pensacola in memory of the beautiful beaches that hurricane Ivan has battered. I tried to post a picture that showed a lot of the beach--Dana and Ethan were in the process of digging a hole. This was taken in July during our vacation with the Deckers and Odoms. Pensacola has some of the most beautiful beaches I've ever been on. Best of luck to all those trying to put their lives back together!

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Two very fuzzy, very silly girls enjoying a little cat nap! Posted by Hello

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Saturday Morning Cartoons! Posted by Hello

What better way to spend a Saturday morning than with cartoons and Playmobil. Send in your guess as to what senario Ethan has going on here with this playmobil. Here's a hint: Ethan says the guy on the horse holding the American flag is a musketeer!

Ethan has a great first week (or half week) of school. I saw his teacher at the welcome back tea and she reiterated how cute he was and she also said he was a good writer. So, he's cute and smart! Well, we already knew that, but it's nice to hear it anyway.

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, August 26, 2004

First day of first grade! Posted by Hello

Ethan's first day of school! He was a little nervous so we couldn't get much of a smile out of him. He picked his clothes out on his own. The night before I asked him what he wanted to wear to his first day of first grade and he said he wanted to wear something cute so his teacher would like him. He tried on 4 different shirts. He looks so handsome!

He was extremely brave. He went right into his class, met his teacher, hung up his backpack, found a chair next to a friend from kindergarten and started coloring. His new teacher--we'll call her Mrs. V--is so, so nice. I know this is going to be a great year for Ethan! I spent the afternoon at the school helping Ethan's old kindergarten teacher with the new kindergarteners and had several opportunities to peak in on Ethan and see how he was doing. He was great! I saw him working at his table, walking around getting supplies, and walking down the hall with his class. I even bumped into his teacher in one of the workrooms and she said he was having a great day and she told me how cute he was cleaning his glasses with the cleaning wipes I packed for him in his backpack.

Ethan ate in the cafeteria for the first time today. He decide he wanted to buy lunch at school. We told him that would be okay, but he had to choose milk to drink and choose one fruit to eat along with whatever main course he wanted (they give them like 3 or 4 main course choices--and I don't even know how many sides options). He came home and said he chose milk, some orange pieces, a hamburger and GREEN BEANS! We said nothing about vegetables, so I think he did a great job! What a sweet boy!

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Just kidding. We're magnificent. You'll soon see.